Commission Gorilla V2 Review


Front End Basic – Commission Gorilla Standard Account

First up is the basic version of Commission Gorilla. Just this version alone is enough to wow your subscribers with all of it's powerful features.

Imagine needing to create a super incredible bonus on the fly for a promotion and not having days to do it…well now your subscribers will be able to whip up a power packed bonus in literally minutes!

For the basic version of Commission Gorilla, it's limited to 20 pages, you can import other Commission Gorilla pages (not export) as well as have 10 Done For You Bonuses.

It will also include 7 and growing ready made bonus pages that anyone can use to promote and make commissions.

OTO 1 – Commission Gorilla V2 PRO UPGRADE
Add Countdown Timers To Your Pages:

This option allows your referrals to use date specific or evergreen timers on all your pages with just a few clicks and choose to automatically redirect visitors to any other page when the countdown expires (or simply reset the countdown to start again).

Perfect for product launches and works great for ‘set & forget' time sensitive offers. 

When your referrals use countdown (or scarcity) timers across all of their promotions, the results have can be astonishing!

Add Attention Bars To Your Pages:

Adding a new bar to your page is simple and it's a truly effective way to grab your visitor's attention.

Your referrals can set them to display at the top of their pages, change the colors and fonts, add a timed delay.

They can use attention bars to highlight a bonus, remind visitors about deadlines, link to demos or videos – They could even use them to link to other promotions or lead capture pages.

Add Exit Pop-Ups To Your Pages:

It's a fact that not everyone who visits your pages will continue to your recommended offers.

Our own testing reveals 50-70% will simply leave no matter how good your bonus is. But with exit redirects your referrals will get the power to recycle this ‘wasted' traffic.

They'll be able to send leaving visitors directly to the offer page (via your affiliate link) and it can easily ‘save a sale' or they can send visitors to a squeeze page to build their list where they can even show another bonus offer.

OTO 2 – Commission Gorilla V2 Instant Bonuses Monthly &
Commission Gorilla V2 Instant Bonuses One Time

With this option, your referrals will get a ‘head start' and have their bonus library all ready to go with done for you ready made bonuses.

They'll instantly get access to 25 pre-done bonuses and an addition 2 each month. (NOTE: If they cancel the trial, they get the 25 bonuses, but not the 2 additional each month)

And while there's a ton of value in this upgrade, here's some important points to encourage your referrals to purchase:

  • Everything Is Already Done For YouEverything is covered from product research through to graphics, bonus copy and automatic product delivery.
  • All Future Updates Are FreeDon't worry about updating content, we'll ensure your bonuses are always up to date and fresh for your referrals.
  • You Can Add To Pages In 1 ClickThe 25 Bonuses and the monthly bonuses are automatically added to your bonus library – Ready to go!
  • A Ton of Hot In-Demand TopicsWe've covered every conceivable hot business and marketing related topic your referred buyers will ever need…

Plainly put, when your referrals get this upgrade – they'll be ready to go with instant promotions!

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OTO 3 – Commission Gorilla V2 Sales Page Bypass (Add On)

With the sales page bypass, you'll be able to leapfrog any vendor's sales page and still bank commissions.

It's as simple as:

  1. Create a bypass link and use it on your Commission Gorilla Page
  2. Sell directly from your page
  3. Collect your payment as normal, but with higher conversions!

You can use this option to pretty much ramp up commissions on just about any offer that you want to promote.

Plus, it includes the Black Dragon Protocol course that pretty much shows how to go from zero to hero in 90 days or less as a super affiliate marketer.

With the Black Dragon Protocol course, you'll find out how to get more traffic, how to grow you list, and how to convert even the most lukewarm prospects into rabid buyers and fill your bank account with cold hard cash!

OTO 4 – Commission Gorilla V2 Review Block (Add On)
review block 1
review block 4
review block 2

This offer allows anyone to enhance their Commission Gorilla pages with impressive, eye catching reviews. u00a0

It's powerful add on to Commission Gorilla that all of your subscriber will absolutely go head over heels for!

Here's a quick summary of the features:

  • Unlimited Color Combinations
  • Up To 5 Rating Criteria Slots
  • 17 Criteria Styles: Animated Bars, Stars, Ticks & More
  • Custom Headline Fonts
  • Multiple Rating Options: Out of 10 or Percentages
  • Clone Block Functionality
  • Unlimited Use / Add Multiple Blocks To Any Page

The best part is everything is truly point and click.  We've made it incredibly simple.  There's absolutely no need for coding at all.  Just use the simple editor and have a stunning review block to add to your existing pages in no time!


Get Access Now For Just $27 Lifetime – Hurry This Launch Deal Won't Last Forever…


Three Surefire Ways to Power Up Your Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketers everywhere are always looking for an edge to boost up their conversion rates and increase their commissions. If you're hunting for the holy grail of affiliate marketing, then look no further. Sometimes it's the simple things that make the biggest difference to your bottom line.

Take a look at these three ways for growing your affiliate business.

1. Build a Responsive List

There's a huge difference between merely building a list and building a responsive list. Most every affiliate knows to build a list, but very few know how to create a responsive list with engaged subscribers. Check out these tips:

Set expectations upfront. Your lead page and initial emails should make it clear what your list is about and why subscribers should be opening every email you send. People are more engaged when you meet their expectations.

Stay in touch. You can't build a relationship by dropping people a line once a month. You should be sending emails on a weekly basis at a minimum.

Give your best stuff. Make people look forward to opening your emails. Give them the same sort of stuff that others are putting in paid products.

Edutain people. Subscribers don't want to read boring content, even if it's useful, nor do they want to read entertaining fluff. So edutain them, which means you entertain while you educate. Use a light, conversational tone. Inject humor where appropriate.

Interact. Don't make a monologue your sole communication channel. Encourage your subscribers to click through to your blog or social media pages to interact with you, discuss the issues and ask questions.

If you employ the above tips, then you won't just have a mailing list of warm bodies, you'll have a responsive list of people who click on your links and buy what you're selling.

Next up:

2. Establish Yourself as an Authority

People don't want to get their information from just anyone. Instead, they'e looking for a leader. They're looking for an expert. They'e looking for an authority. That's why you need to showcase your expertise and position yourself as an authority in your niche.

Here are three tips:

Showcase your credentials. If you have credentials or a story that makes you an expert, flaunt it. This might include related awards, degrees, special qualifications and so on.

Land guest author and speaking spots. The authorities are the ones who are being interviewed on webinars or even on blogs. Submit proposals to talk radio, podcasts, and blogs in your niche to land these guest speaker spots for yourself.

Associate with credible others. When you create products or do webinars with other authorities in your niche, you'll be seen as an authority too.

And last but not least…

3. Use Commission Gorilla

It's no secret that adding value to an offer can boost your conversion rate. What many affiliates don't know is that this strategy can put up to five times more money in your pocket over not offering a bonus. This strategy is a lot more powerful than many people think!

But this strategy also takes too much time. You need to know how to design web pages in order to create a good-looking promo page. You need to know how to code to do it right. It's no wonder so many affiliates don't bother with this powerful strategy.

So what's the solution?

Use Commission Gorilla. This is an app designed by two super affiliates who wanted to build their own high-impact bonus pages fast. Speed is the key when it comes to affiliate marketing, especially during a product launch. With Commission Gorilla you can create bonus pages in as little as a few minutes (rather than hours or even days).

You don't need design skills or coding skills. You don't even need your own website.

Check it out for yourself

Once you have Commission Gorilla, you won't have any more excuses for not offering bonuses!


Are You Making These Affiliate Marketing Mistakes?

If you're still somewhat new to this whole affiliate marketing thing, then you know there is plenty of room to make mistakes. Every day and every promotion is a learning experience. But you can slash the learning curve by avoiding these three mistakes:

Mistake 1: Promoting Anything and Everything

Your subscribers and blog readers are looking for someone to lead them through the maze of new products that hit your niche every week. If you promote anything and everything as the best thing since sliced bread, you're just going to hurt your reputation.

So what to do?

Throw away the cut and paste ads the vendors give you, and write your own ads and reviews instead. Be honest about the product. Tell your prospects the good, the bad and the ugly about every product. If you don't recommend, tell them why. If you do recommend it, give them a good reason to buy through your link right now.

Which brings us to the next point:

Mistake 2: Not Adding Value

A dozen affiliates are dropping their links in front of your prospect. Question is, why should they buy from YOU?

The answer: because you're offering a kick-ass bonus when they buy through your affiliate link.

This is might be a report, a gear list, an app, access to a membership site or a even a seat at workshop. It should be highly relevant to whatever you're promoting, desirable and valuable.

End result? You can make up to five times more sales and commissions by offering a bonus over just tossing a non-incentivized link in front of prospects.

But maybe you've noticed that getting up bonus offer pages is sort of a pain in the neck. That brings us to the last point:

Mistake 3: Trying to Do Everything Manually

Speed is key when it comes to affiliate marketing. By the time you hear about a product launch, there might only be a day or two left to scoop up the big commissions. You don't have a moment to spare. You need to get your offers up fast or kiss those commissions goodbye.

That's why you shouldn't try to do everything yourself manually. The super affiliates automate everything they can, and that I includes creating bonus pages and automating delivery.

So how do they do all of this?

Simple: they use a powerful yet easy to use software system called Commission Gorilla.

This software tool was designed by two super affiliates who wanted to create a fast and easy way to build their own bonus pages. They made it drag and drop easy to use. You don't need design skills. You don't need to touch any code. Just log into your dashboard and click your way to a beautiful, high-converting bonus page!

If you're ready to take your affiliate business to the next level, then you'll want to get your hands on this tool too. Get yours now


Don't Even Think of Getting Commission Gorilla Until You Read This

Many affiliates know that offering a bonus alongside any promotion can generate bigger commissions and more sales. In fact, two super affiliates have tested this extensively and found that offering a bonus can quintuple your commissions.

Yep, that's right: you can make five times more money if you offer a bonus!

But even though offering a bonus puts more money in your pocket, it's certainly not easy money. You need to create bonus pages. If you want to do it right, this takes time, skills or money. Not everyone has the resources to create the sort of professional pages that boost conversions.

Until now!

Introducing Commission Gorilla, which is a clever software system that literally makes it drag and drop easy to create high-response bonus offer pages, delivery pages and more!

Let me give you a quick rundown of the features:

Point and click simple WYSIWYG editor. You don't need to know a thing about coding or design. All you have to do is point and click your mouse to beautiful, high-converting bonus pages. You can drag in images, insert videos and even create custom, high-impact call to action buttons. You won't find an easier way to create web pages!

Bonus library. If you're like a lot of affiliates, you tend to reuse bonuses. This software makes it easy. The system lets you build and store bonus building blocks inside the bonus library. Then you can just drag and drop these bonuses into your bonus pages. The more you use Commission Gorilla, the faster you'll be able to create pages especially if you use the bonus library!

Free hosting. Don't have a website? No problem. Commission Gorilla will host your bonus offer pages at no charge. Or you can opt to upload them directly to your site. Commission Gorilla even includes a plugin to make uploading pages to a WordPress site a breeze.

Automated bonus delivery. When you create your bonus page, Commission Gorilla creates your delivery page at the same time. You can even drag and drop in pre-written text to create pages even faster. What a huge time saver, which means a lot during a fast-moving product launch!

Clone feature. Once you create a high-performing promotion page, then all you have to do is click your mouse to clone the page, tweak it for another offer, and your bonus page will be ready in minutes (rather than hours). It's so easy and fast!

Dashboard stats. As soon as you log into Commission Gorilla, you'll be able to track your high-performing pages with just a glance by looking at the built-in stats. No more guessing at what works – now you'll know for sure!

Social share buttons. Promoting your new bonus page is easy – just use the built-in social share buttons! You can build your page, promote it, and go enjoy the rest of your day. Plus you can even drag and drop social share buttons into your bonus pages for your visitors to use!

And the list of cool stuff just keeps going because you get even more features to make the most of your traffic and increase your conversion rates. This includes attention bars, exit pop-ups and countdown timers. You'll even get a cool collection done for you bonuses to use during your very next promotion!

The bottom line is you won't find a better way to get your bonus pages up and running fast.

Traditional HTML editors are clumsy, they have a big learning curve, and they're not designed specifically for creating direct-response sales pages.

Commission Gorilla is different, because it's designed with marketers in mind. No matter what your skill level or background, you too can point and click your way to high-converting bonus offer pages!

What's more, this software isn't just for affiliates. While it works really well for creating affiliate bonus pages, you can also use it to create bonus pages for your own products. You can use it to create bonuses, coupons or other special offers for your online or offline business. Commission Gorilla is even flexible enough to create contest pages, lead pages and more.

Best of all…

You don't need any design skills.

You don't need a big budget to hire a designer.

You don't need to know any code.

And if you choose the Pro option, you'll get some super power up add on features as well!

My rating? I give it two thumbs up as the fastest and easiest way to get promotion pages up and running. Check it out for yourself And don't forget to look at the impressive demos!

About: admin

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